neu paradigms
"Solutions for Success" with our NeuBLU Analytics™ fin-tech platform, product innovation, business planning services & capital raise opportunities
We are a “New Ideas” Business Development Company with over 20+ years experience in the manufacturing & fin-tech space process
Start-ups & Series A & B Businesses
manufacturing & technology verticals (<10 years in business and current pre or post valuation under $10 MM)
We Provide:
"Solutions for Success" with our NeuBLU Analytics™ fin-tech platform, product innovation, business planning services & capital raise opportunities
We are a “New Ideas” Business Development Company with over 20+ years experience in the manufacturing & fin-tech space process
Start-ups & Series A & B Businesses
manufacturing & technology verticals (<10 years in business and current pre or post valuation under $10 MM)
We Provide:
"Solutions for Success" with our NeuBLU Analytics™ fin-tech platform, product innovation, business planning services & capital raise opportunities
We are a “New Ideas” Business Development Company with over 20+ years experience in the manufacturing & fin-tech space process
Start-ups & Series A & B Businesses
manufacturing & technology verticals (<10 years in business and current pre or post valuation under $10 MM)
We Provide:
"Solutions for Success" with our NeuBLU Analytics™ fin-tech platform, product innovation, business planning services & capital raise opportunities
We are a “New Ideas” Business Development Company with over 20+ years experience in the manufacturing & fin-tech space BLU•Cap
Start-ups & Series A & B Businesses
manufacturing & technology verticals (<10 years in business and current pre or post valuation under $10 MM)
We Provide: